Mittwoch, 10. November 2010 - 15:15
Andras Zsom:
"The bouncing barrier and dust sedimentation in disks"
Zusammenfassung. For the first time, we collect and compile the recent laboratory experiments on dust aggregates into a collision model that can be implemented into dust coagulation models. We put this model into a Monte Carlo code that uses representative particles to simulate dust evolution. Simulations are performed in a local box (0D) and in a vertical column (1D) of protoplanetary disks. I'll discuss the main results of these simulations. These are the bouncing barrier which is another obstacle during the already complex formation process of planetesimals; and the sedimentation of dust particles. During the final part of the talk, i'll discuss how the disk atmospheres can be kept 'dusty' in spite of dust growth and vertical settling throughout the lifetime of the disk. This is a long-standing problem of dust evolution in protoplanetary disks.