Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg


Montag, 2. Mai 2011 - 11:00

Christian Angrick:

"Deriving the X-ray temperature function for galaxy clusters without reference to mass from the statistics of Gaussian random fields"

Zusammenfassung. A novel approach for the derivation of the X-ray temperature function for galaxy clusters is presented, which is based on the statistics of Gaussian random fields applied to the cosmic gravitational potential. It invokes only locally defined quantities so that no reference to the cluster's mass is made. Since deviations from the theoretical prediction are found in a simulation for high redshifts, an analytic model that incorporates the effects of mergers in the formalism is developed and then applied to jointly determine the cosmological parameters Omega_m and sigma_8 from two different cluster samples.

Verantwortlich: , letzte Änderung am 05.04.2013 11:50 CEST
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