This course was originally written by Thomas Robitaille, and was adapted by Markus Demleitner, Robert Schmidt and Yiannis Tsapras.
The web page for this course is
The Uebungsgruppe-System link is Note that this lecture has a Rocket-Chat channel.
The Zoom session requires registration
The lecturer is Cornelis ("Kees") Dullemond. You can contact me during the course and at
The block course lasts five days. Participation is over Zoom. Every day I will create breakout rooms and randomly assign you to one of the breakout rooms.
Each day will follow this schedule:
The format is: Every now and then I'll explain stuff for all (lecture-like), but for the rest you will work through the material. I will then cycle through the breakout rooms to see if there are problems. Note that Zoom has a "call help" button.
There will be problem sets during the week, and you will be required to hand these in a deadline indicated on the problem sheet. An average of 60% in the problem sets will be required to obtain 2 credits points at the end of the course.
The course will be in English.
I am happy to review or talk about your code/solutions to exercises.
All solutions should be submitted as IPython (/Jupyter) notebooks (.ipynb) or python programs (.py) (one notebook/program per problem set). Please use a filename that contains the name of the problem sheet and your name. (e.g. problem_sheet_1_firstname_surname.ipynb
The files can be submitted to me directly via email:
The following criteria are taken into account for grading problem sets - the notebook/program should:
Please make use of the ability to add comments and text around your code. Make it so that someone not familiar with the problem could read it and understand your solution.
There is never a unique solution to a problem, so it does not matter if your programs do not look the same as somebody else's! What matters most is that you get a chance to make mistakes and learn from them.
Problem set submissions need to be handed in separately for each participant.
The deadlines for the Problem Sets are:
Problem Set 1 This Wednesday, 7pm CEST
Problem Set 2 This Friday, 7pm CEST
Problem Set 3 Next Friday (one week after the end of the course), 7pm CEST
Given that the course is online, you will need to install Python on your laptop, you have several possibilities:
Alternatively you can use the Jupyter server of the Physics department:
You log in with your student ID and password. If all went well, you see a kind of file browser. It shows your home directory on the Jupiter server.
You can download the notebooks I'm showing, the problem sets and the ancillary data files from here .
You can dowload the individual files as we go along.
Just refresh your notebook viewer after you've downloaded a file.