import numpy as np def kepler(nt,mstar,mp,a,e,ph0=0.0,ang0=0.0,body='planet'): """ Returns one full period of the Kepler orbit of a planet with mass mp around a star with mass mstar, separated by semi-major axis a, having eccentricity e. The orbit lies in the (x,y) plane. For ph0==0 (default) the start of the planet is at periastron, while for ph0>0 it starts after periastron with time delay Period*ph0/(2*pi). For ang0==0 (default) the ellipse lies in the x-direction. For ang0>0 the ellipse is rotated counterclockwise. ARGUMENTS: nt Nr of time steps between start and end of orbit (last time step is at identical position as first). mstar Star mass in gram mp planet mass in gram a semi-major axis in cm e eccentricity OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: ph0 The phase delay after periastron of the start of the orbit Default = 0 ang0 The rotation of the ellipse in the x,y plane (counterclockwise) Default = 0 body =='planet' means it returns the orbit of the planet wrt barycenter =='star' means it returns the orbit of the star wrt barycenter Default = 'planet' RETURNS: t[0:nt], x[0:nt], y[0:nt] Time in seconds, and the location of the planet from barycenter x and y in cm EXAMPLE: from kepler import * import matplotlib.pyplot as plt MS = 1.98892e33 # Solar mass [g] Mea = 5.9736e27 # Mass of Earth [g] au = 1.49598e13 # Astronomical Unit [cm] t,x,y,vx,vy = kepler(100,MS,Mea,au,0.4,ph0=0.6,ang0=0.4,body='planet') rmau= 2.0 fig = plt.figure() ax = plt.axes(xlim=(-rmau, rmau), ylim=(-rmau, rmau)) ax.set(aspect='equal',xlabel='x [au]',ylabel='y [au]') ax.plot(x/au,y/au) ax.plot([x[0]/au],[y[0]/au],'o') # Show start ax.plot([0],[0],'o') # Show Sun """ GG = 6.67408e-08 # Gravitational constant [cm^3/g/s^2] mtot = mstar+mp omk = np.sqrt(GG*mtot/a**3) meanan = np.linspace(0.,2*np.pi,nt)+ph0 time = meanan/omk E = meanan errtol = 1e-10 err = 1e10 iter = 0 while err > errtol: Eold = E.copy() E = meanan + e*np.sin(E) err = np.abs(E-Eold).max() iter += 1 assert iter<100, "Could not converge Kepler equation" cosE = np.cos(E) cosnu = (cosE-e)/(1-e*cosE) sinnu = np.sqrt(1.-cosnu**2) sinnu[np.sin(meanan)<0] *= -1 r = a*(1.-e**2)/(1.+e*cosnu) x0 = r*cosnu y0 = r*sinnu cosa = np.cos(ang0) sina = np.sin(ang0) x = cosa*x0 - sina*y0 y = sina*x0 + cosa*y0 v = np.sqrt(GG*mtot*(2.0/r-1.0/a)) phi = np.arctan(e*sinnu/(1.0+e*cosnu)) vxn = -v*y/r vyn = v*x/r cosphi = np.cos(phi) sinphi = np.sin(phi) vx = cosphi*vxn + sinphi*vyn vy = -sinphi*vxn + cosphi*vyn if body=='planet': factor = (mstar/mtot) elif body=='star': factor = -(mp/mtot) else: factor = 1.0 x = factor * x y = factor * y vx = factor * vx vy = factor * vy return time,x,y,vx,vy