Talk Details
Monday, October 20, 2014 - 11:00am
Mei Sasaki (ZAH/ITA):
"Statistical properties of dark matter mini-haloes at z >= 15 & the criterion for HD formation in the early universe"
Abstract. Understanding the formation of the first objects in the Universe critically depends on knowing whether the properties of small dark matter structures at high redshift (z >= 15) are different from their more massive lower-redshift counterparts. To clarify this point, we performed a high-resolution N-body simulation of a cosmological volume 1 h-1 Mpc comoving on a side, reaching the highest mass resolution to date in this regime. We compare our results with literature results and discuss differences and similarities with more massive dark matter haloes. If time permitted, I would also like to discuss conditions for HD formation in gas clouds inside such dark matter mini-haloes.