University of Heidelberg

Prof. Dr. Cornelis P. Dullemond


Heidelberg University
Center for Astronomy (ZAH)
Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics (ITA)
Albert-Ueberle-Str. 2
69120 Heidelberg
Room 106 (1st elevated floor, first door to the left)
Tel: +49-6221-54-4815, Fax: -4221
Sekretariat: -4837
Email: dullemond at

Research area

My research concerns the question how planets form. This relates to the planets in our own solar system as well as (and perhaps preferentially) to exoplanets and exoplanetary systems. This includes also the study of protoplanetary disks. The research is mostly theoretical/numerical, but is strongly geared toward direct comparison with observations.


If you are interested to write a Bachelor or Masters thesis in this area, or you first would like to inform yourself, please write me an email or have a look here.


By appointment via email.

Further information

See menubar left.
Responsible: Cornelis Petrus Dullemond, last modification Feb/18/2017 20:44 CET
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