Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg

Numerische Strömungsmechanik

Summersemester, 2007

C.P. Dullemond and A. Johansen

Movie: hydrodynamic simulation of a supersonic jet-stream injected into a homogeneous medium. The computation is done on a 100x100 grid using Roe's algorithm.

About the lecture

This was a lecture that I gave in the spring of 2007 at the University of Heidelberg. I decided to keep the lecture material on the web (that is, chapters 1 to 8; I am unsatisfied with chapter 9, so I leave it out for now), because it might be of interest to others as well. However, this lecture material is still rough and needs to be polished and may still contain errors (this is highly likely). I hope to be able to give this lecture a few more times, so that the text below will also be more polished over the years. For now please enjoy this material with some caution. Also I am very open to criticism and comments.

On-line material:

For the 2007 lecture the on-line material is no longer available. Please have a look at the 2009 version of the lecture!


The above lecture notes are for significant parts inspired by the following books:
  • Randall J. LeVeque, "Finite Volume Methods for Hyperbolic Problems"
  • Bodenheimer, Laughlin, Rozyczka and Yorke, "Numerical Methods in Astrophysics: An Introduction"
  • Collela and Puckett, "Modern Numerical Methods for Fluid Flow"
  • H. W. Liepmann and A. Roshko, "Elements of Gas Dynamics"
  • Ferziger, J. H. and Peric, M, "Computational Methods for Fluid Dynamics"

Verantwortlich: Cornelis Petrus Dullemond, letzte Änderung am 28.07.2012 23:11 CEST
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