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RADMC is a dust continuum radiative transfer code for 3-D axisymmetric (i.e. effectively 2-D) circumstellar envelopes and disks. It is publically available, as long as proper references are given.
Information and download.


RADMC-3d is the successor of RADMC. It features full 3-D capabilities, including Oct-Tree Mesh Refinement. In addition to dust continuum it also has (limited) capabilities for line transfer. The code is still under development, but a beta version is available upon request.
Information and download.

Simple code for vertical settling and mixing of dust in protoplanetary disks

For self-consistent models of dust in protoplanetary disks it is important to compute the effect of dust settling. Here is a simple code for this.
Code web page.

TRANSPHERE: A simple code for continuum radiative transfer in spherical envelopes

In principle RADMC and RADMC-3D are also able to solve radiative transfer in the much simpler case of a spherically symmetric circumstellar envelope. But sometimes it is useful to use a much simpler code rather than a monster like RADMC or RADMC-3D. TRANSPHERE is such a simple code.
Code web page.

DISKSTRUCT: A 1+1D model of a protoplanetary disk

As an alternative to full 2-D/3-D radiative transfer models of protoplanetary disks, the DISKSTRUCT code can be useful, albeit approximative. The code is actually computing 1-D vertical models of the disk, but constructs a semi-2D model (a 1+1D model) by gluing these 1-D models together into one.
Code web page.

Verantwortlich: Cornelis Petrus Dullemond, letzte Änderung am 07.01.2025 11:44 CET
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