Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg

Principles of Simulations Methods

Wintersemester, 2014/2015

C.P. Dullemond and H. Klahr

This website is for now a placeholder. Content are on the Moodle.

IMPORTANT: The lecture is twice a week (Tuesdays and Thursdays 9:15-11:00 in INF HS2), but the very first lecture is NOT on Tuesday, but on Thursday October 16!
MOODLE REGISTRATION: Now the moodle registration is open. Password = "Grid"


  • The first half of the lecture (October - November) is done by C.P. Dullemond.
  • The second half (December - January) is done by H. Klahr.

Verantwortlich: Cornelis Petrus Dullemond, letzte Änderung am 04.12.2014 03:18 CET
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