Basic structure and functionality
RADMC-3D is a very versatile radiative transfer package with many possibilities. As a consequence it is a rather complex package. However, we have tried to keep it still as easy as possible to use as a first-time user. We tried to do so by keeping many of the sophisticated options ‘hidden’ and having many default settings already well-chosen. The idea is that one can already use the code at an entry level, and then gradually work oneself into the more fancy options.
RADMC-3D is a general-purpose package, so there are no ‘built-in’ models
inside the radmc3d
executable (Except if you insert one yourself
using the userdef module, see Chapter Modifying RADMC-3D: Internal setup and user-specified radiative processes). For
instance, if you want to model a protoplanetary disk, then you would have to
design the grid and density structure of the disk on this grid yourself. To
make it easier for the user, we have provided several Python-scripts as
examples. Among these examples is indeed a protoplanetary disk model. So
this is as close as we go to ‘built-in’ models: we provide, for some cases,
already well-developed example models that you, the user, can use
out-of-the-box, or that you can adapt to your needs.
In this chapter we give an overview of the rough functionality of the code in its simplest form: ignoring all the hidden fancy options and possibilities. For the details we then refer to the chapters ahead.
Basic dataflow
Let us first clarify the basic philosophy of the code package (details will
be done later). When we talk about RADMC-3D we talk about the
fortran-90 program. The source codes are in the directory src/
and the executable is called radmc3d
. This is the code that does
all the main calculations. You can call the code from the bash shell
(in Unix/Linux/MacOSX systems) and you can specify command-line options to
tell RADMC-3D what you want it to do.
The code RADMC-3D is in a way just a dumb computational engine. It has no
physical data (such as opacities or material properties) implemented, nor does
it have any model implemented. It is totally dependent on input files of various
kinds. These input files have filenames that end in .inp
, or .binp
dependent on whether the data in ASCII, or binary form. You, the user, will have
to create these input files. RADMC-3D will simply look if an .inp
, or a
file is present, and will switch to ASCII, dependent on which
file-extension it finds.
After you run RADMC-3D (by calling radmc3d
with the appropriate command-line
options) you will see that the code will have produced one or more output files,
with filenames ending in .out
or .bout
. Whether RADMC-3D produces ASCII
or binary files, depends on a flag called rto_style
that you can set (see
Chapter Binary I/O files).
IMPORTANT NOTE: In this manual we will mostly refer to the ASCII form of input and output files for convenience. But each time we refer to an *.inp, *.dat or *.out file, we implicitly assume that this could also be a *.binp, *.bdat or *.bout file.
This basic dataflow is shown in Fig. Pictographic representation of the basic dataflow of RADMC-3D. The user produces the input files; RADMC-3D reads them, performs the calculation, and produces output files. The user can then analyze the output files..
Not always can RADMC-3D produce its output files in one go. Sometimes it has to
use a two-stage procedure: For dust continuum radiative transfer the dust
temperatures are computed first (stage 1), and the images and/or spectra are
rendered after that (stage 2). Between stage 1 and stage 2 an intermediate file
is then produced (with filename ending in .dat
or .bdat
which in the case of dust continuum radiative transfer is dust_temperature.dat
(or *.bdat
This basic dataflow is shown in Fig. Pictographic representation of the dataflow of RADMC-3D for the case of a 2-stage procedure, such as for dust continuum transfer. An intermediate file is produced that will be used by stage 2, but of course the user can also analyze the intermediate file itself..
Several of these input files contain large tables, for instance of the density
at each grid point, or the stellar flux at each wavelength bin. It is, of
course, impossible to create these datafiles by hand. The idea is that you
design a program (in any language you like) that creates these datafiles. In
that program you essentially ‘program the model’. We have provided a number of
example model setups in the examples/
directory. For these examples models
the setup programs were written in Python (their filenames all start with
and end with .py
). For you as the user it is therefore the
easiest to start from one of these examples and modify the Python code to your
needs. However, if you prefer to use another language, you can use the examples
to see how the input files were generated and then program this in another
programming language.
Note: The Python files called problem_*.py
are meant to be edited and
changed by you! They are templates from which you can create your own models.
For the analysis of the output files created by RADMC-3D you can use your own
favorite plotting or data-analysis software. But also here we provide some tools
in Python. These Python routines are in the python/
directory. Typically you
will create your own program, e.g.
or so, that will use
these subroutines, e.g. by putting in the first line: from radmc3dPy import
. In this way Python is used also as a post-processing tool. But again: this
can also be done in another language.
This procedure is shown in Fig. Pictographic representation of how the Python programs in the example directories are used to create the input files of RADMC-3D. for the single-stage dataflow and in Fig. Pictographic representation of the dataflow of RADMC-3D for the case of a 2-stage procedure, such as for dust continuum transfer. An intermediate file is produced that will be used by stage 2, but of course the user can also analyze the intermediate file itself. for the two-stage dataflow.
Radiative processes
Currently RADMC-3D handles the following radiative processes:
Dust thermal emission and absorption
RADMC-3D can compute spectra and images in dust continuum. The dust temperature must be known in addition to the dust density. In typical applications you will know the dust density distribution, but not the dust temperature, because the latter is the results of a balance between radiative absorption and re-emission. So in order to make spectra and images of a dusty object we must first calculate the dust temperature consistently. This can be done with RADMC-3D by making it perform a ‘thermal Monte Carlo’ simulation (see Chapter Dust continuum radiative transfer). This can be a time-consuming computation. But once this is done, RADMC-3D writes the resulting dust temperatures out to the file
, which it can then later use for images and spectra. We can then call RADMC-3D again with the command to make an image or a spectrum (see Chapter Dust continuum radiative transfer). To summarize: a typical dust continuum radiative transfer calculation goes in two stages:A thermal Monte Carlo simulation with RADMC-3D to compute the dust temperatures.
A spectrum or image computation using ray-tracing with RADMC-3D.
Dust scattering
Dust scattering is automatically included in the thermal Monte Carlo simulations described above, as well as in the production of images and spectra. For more details, consult Chapter Dust continuum radiative transfer.
Gas atomic/molecular lines
RADMC-3D can compute spectra and images in gas lines (see Chapter Line radiative transfer). The images are also known as channel maps. To compute these, RADMC-3D must know the population densities of the various atomic/molecular levels. For now there are the following options how to let RADMC-3D know these values:
Tell RADMC-3D to assume that the molecules or atoms are in Local Thermodynamic Equilibrium (LTE), and specify the gas temperature at each location to allow RADMC-3D to compute these LTE level populations. Note that in principle one is now faced with the same problem as with the dust continuum: we need to know the gas temperature, which we typically do not know in advance. However, computing the gas temperature self-consistently is very difficult, because it involves many heating and cooling processes, some of which are very complex. That is why most line radiative transfer codes assume that the user gives the gas temperature as input. We do so as well. If you like, you can tell RADMC-3D to use the (previously calculated) dust temperature as the gas temperature, for convenience.
Deliver RADMC-3D an input file with all the level populations that you have calculated youself using some method.
Tell RADMC-3D to compute the level populations according to some simple local non-LTE prescription such as the Sobolev approximation (Large Velocity Gradient method) or the Escape Probability Method.
Currently RADMC-3D does not have a full non-local non-LTE computation method implemented. The reason is that it is very costly, and for many applications presumably not worth the computational effort.
Coordinate systems
With RADMC-3D you can specify your density distribution in two coordinate systems:
Cartesian coordinates: 3-D
The simplest coordinate system is the Cartesian coordinate system \((x,y,z)\). For now each model must be 3-D (i.e. you must specify the densities and other quantities as a function of \(x\), \(y\) and \(z\)).
Cartesian coordinates: 1-D plane-parallel
This is like the normal cartesian coordinates, but now the \(x\)- and \(y\)- directions are infinitely extended. Only the \(z\)-direction has finite-size cells, and hence the grid is only in \(z\)-direction. This mode is the usual plane-parallel mode of radiative transfer. See Section 1-D Plane-parallel models for more details on this mode.
Cartesian coordinates: 2-D pencil-parallel
This is the intermediate between full 3-D cartesian and 1-D plane-parallel. In this mode only the \(x\)-direction is infinitely extended and a finite grid is in both \(y\) and \(z\) directions. This mode is only useful in very special cases, and is much less familiar to most - so use only when you are confident.
Spherical coordinates
You can also specify your model in spherical coordinates \((r,\theta,\phi)\). These coordinates are related to the cartesian ones by:
\[\begin{split}\begin{split} x &= r \sin\theta \cos\phi \\ y &= r \sin\theta \sin\phi \\ z &= r \cos\theta \end{split}\end{split}\]This means that the spatial variables (density, temperature etc) are all specified as a function of \((r,\theta,\phi)\). However, the location of the stars, the motion and direction of photon packages etc. are still given in cartesian coordinates \((x,y,z)\). In other words: any function of space \(f(\vec x)\) will be in spherical coordinates \(f(r,\theta,\phi)\), but any point-like specification of position \(\vec x\) will be given as Cartesian coordinates \(\vec x=(x,y,z)\). This hybrid method allows us to do all physics in cartesian coordinates: photon packages or rays are treated always in cartesian coordinates, and so is the physics of scattering, line emission etc. Only if RADMC-3D needs to know what the local conditions are (dust temperature, gas microturbulence, etc) RADMC-3D looks up which coordinates \((r,\theta,\phi)\) belong to the current \((x,y,z)\) and looks up the value of the density, microturbulence that location in the \((r,\theta,\phi)\) grid. And the same is true if RADMC-3D updates or calculates for instance the dust temperature: it will compute the \((r,\theta,\phi)\) belong to the current \((x,y,z)\) and update the temperature in the cell belonging to \((r,\theta,\phi)\). For the rest, all the physics is done in the Cartesian coordinate system. This has the major advantage that we do not need different physics modules for cartesian and spherical coordinates. Most parts of the code don’t care which coordinate system is used: they will do their own work in Cartesian coordinates. When using spherical coordinates, please read Section Separable grid refinement in spherical coordinates (important!).
The spatial grid
To specify the density or temperature structure (or any other spatial variable) as a function of spatial location we must have a grid. There are two basic types of grids:
The standard gridding is a simple rectangular grid.
Cartesian coordinates
When cartesian coordinates are used, this simply means that each cell is defined as \(x_l<x<x_r\), \(y_l<y<y_r\) and \(z_l<z<z_r\), where \(l\) and \(r\) stand for the left and right cell walls respectively.
Spherical coordinates
When spherical coordinates are used, this simply means that each cell is defined as \(r_l<r<r_r\), \(\theta_l<\theta<\theta_r\) and \(\phi_l<\phi<\phi_r\). Note therefore that the shape of the cells in spherical coordinates is (in real space) curved. For spherical coordinates the following four modes are available:
1-D Spherical symmetry:
All spatial functions depend only on \(r\).
2-D Axial symmetry:
All spatial functions depend only on \(r\) and \(\theta\).
2-D Axial symmetry with mirror symmetry:
All spatial functions depend only on \(r\) and \(\theta\), where the \(\theta\) grid only covers the part above the \(z=0\) plane. Internally it is in this mode assumed that all quantities below the \(z=0\) plane are equal to those above the plane by mirror symmetry in the \(z=0\) plane. This saves a factor of two in computational effort for Monte Carlo calculations, as well as in memory useage. Note that also the resulting output files such as
will only be specified for \(z>0\).3-D:
All spatial functions depend on all three variables \(r\), \(\theta\) and \(\phi\).
3-D with mirror symmetry:
All spatial functions depend on all three variables \(r\), \(\theta\) and \(\phi\), but like in the 2-D case only the upper part of the model needs to be specified: the lower part is assumed to be a mirror copy.
When using spherical coordinates, please read Section Separable grid refinement in spherical coordinates (important!).
In all cases these structured grids allow for oct-tree-style grid refinement, or its simplified version: the layer-style grid refinement. See Section INPUT (required): amr_grid.inp and Chapter More information about the gridding for more information about the gridding and the (adaptive) mesh refinement (AMR).
Computations that RADMC-3D can perform
The code RADMC-3D (i.e. the executable radmc3d
) is one code for many
actions. Depending on which command-line arguments you give, RADMC-3D can do
various actions. Here is a list:
Compute the dust temperature:
radmc3d mctherm
you call RADMC-3D with the command of performing a thermal Monte Carlo simulation to compute the dust temperature under the assumption that the dust is in radiative equilibrium with its radiation field. This is normally a prerequisite for computing SEDs and images from dusty objects (see computing spectra and images below). The output file of this computation isdust_temperature.dat
which contains the dust temperature everywhere in the model.Compute a spectrum or SED:
radmc3d sed
you call RADMC-3D with the command of performing a ray-tracing computation to compute the spectral energy distribution (SED) for the model at hand. Typically you first need to have calledradmc3d mctherm
(see above) beforehand to compute dust temperatures (unless you have created the filedust_temperature.dat
yourself because you have a special way of computing the dust temperature). Withradmc3d sed
the spectrum is computed for the wavelengths points given in the filewavelength_micron.inp
, which is the same wavelength grid that is used forradmc3d mctherm
. If you want to compute the spectrum at wavelength other than those used for the thermal Monte Carlo simulation, you should instead callradmc3d spectrum
, and you have the full freedom to choose the spectral wavelengths points at will, and you can specify these in various ways described in Section Specifying custom-made sets of wavelength points for the camera. Most easily you can create a file calledcamera_wavelength_micron.inp
(see Section INPUT (optional): camera_wavelength_micron.inp) and call RADMC-3D usingradmc3d spectrum loadlambda
. In all these cases the vantage point (where is the observer) can of course be set as well, see Section Making SEDs, spectra, images for dust continuum and Chapter Making images and spectra.Compute an image:
radmc3d image
you call RADMC-3D with the command of performing a ray-tracing computation to compute an image. You must specify the wavelength(s) at which you want the image by, for instance, calling RADMC-3D asradmc3d image lambda 10
, which makes the image at \(\lambda=10\mu\mathrm{m}\). But there are other ways by which the wavelength(s) can be set, see Section Specifying custom-made sets of wavelength points for the camera. In all these cases the vantage point (where is the observer) can of course be set as well, see Section Making SEDs, spectra, images for dust continuum and Chapter Making images and spectra.Compute the local radiation field inside the model:
radmc3d mcmono
you call RADMC-3D with the command of performing a wavelength-by-wavlength monochromatic Monte Carlo simulation (at the wavelengths that you specify in the filemcmono_wavelength_micron.inp
). The output file of this computation ismean_intensity.out
which contains the mean intensity \(J_\nu\) as a function of the \((x,y,z)\) (cartesian) or \((r,\theta,\phi)\) (spherical) coordinates at the frequencies \(\nu_i\equiv 10^4c/\lambda_i\) where \(\lambda_i\) are the wavelengths (in \(\mu\)m) specified in the filemcmono_wavelength_micron.inp
. The results of this computation can be interesting for, for instance, models of photochemistry. But if you use RADMC-3D only for computing spectra and images, then you will not use this.
In addition to the above main methods, you can ask RADMC-3D to do various minor things as well, which will be described throughout this manual.
How a model is set up and computed: a rough overview
A radiative transfer code such as RADMC-3D has the task of computing synthetic images and spectra of a model that you specify. You tell the code what the dust and/or gas density distribution in 3-D space is and where the star(s) are, and the code will then tell you what your cloud looks like in images and/or spectra. That’s basically it. That’s the main task of RADMC-3D.
First you have to tell RADMC-3D what 3-D distribution of dust and/or gas you want it to model. For that you must specify a coordinate system (cartesian or spherical) and a spatial grid. For cartesian coordinates this grid should be 3-D (although there are exceptions to this), while for spherical coordinates it can be 1-D (spherical symmetry), 2-D (axial symmetry) or 3-D (no symmetry). RADMC-3D is (for most part) a cell-based code, i.e. your grid devides space in cells and you have to tell RADMC-3D what the average densities of dust and/or gas are in these cells.
The structure of the grid is specified in a file amr_grid.inp
(see Section
INPUT (required): amr_grid.inp). All the other data, such as dust density and/or gas
density are specified in other files, but all assume that the grid is given by
We can also specify the locations and properties of one or more stars in the
model. This is done in the stars.inp
(see Section INPUT (mostly required): stars.inp) file.
Now suppose we want to compute the appearance of our model in dust continuum. We
will describe this in detail in Chapter Dust continuum radiative transfer, but let us
give a very rough idea here. We write, in addition to the amr_grid.inp
files, a file dust_density.inp
which specifies the density of
dust in each cell (see Section INPUT (required for dust transfer): dust_density.inp). We also must write the
main input file radmc3d.inp
(see Section INPUT: radmc3d.inp), but we can
leave it empty for now. We must give RADMC-3D a dust opacity table in the files
and for instance dustkappa_silicate.inp
(see Section
INPUT (required for dust transfer): dustopac.inp and dustkappa_*.inp or dustkapscatmat_*.inp or dust_optnk_*.inp). And finally, we have to give RADMC-3D a table of discrete
wavelengths in the file wavelength_micron.inp
that it will use to perform
its calculations on. We then call the radmc3d
code with the keyword
(see Chapter Dust continuum radiative transfer) to tell it to perform a
Monte Carlo simulation to compute dust temperatures everywhere. RADMC-3D will
write this to the file dust_temperature.dat
. If we now want to make a
spectral energy distribution, for instance, we call radmc3d sed
(see Section
Making spectra) and it will write a file called spectrum.out
which is a list of fluxes at the discrete wavelengths we specified in
. Then we are done: we have computed the spectral
energy distribution of our model. We could also make an image at wavelength 10
\(\mu\)m for instance with radmc3d image lambda 10
(see Section
Basics of image making with RADMC-3D). This will write out a file image.out
containing the
image data (see Section OUTPUT: image.out or image_****.out).
As you see, RADMC-3D reads all its information from tables in various files. Since you don’t want to make large tables by hand, you will have to write a little computer program that generates these tables automatically. You can do this in any programming language you want. But in the example models (see Section Running the example models) we use the programming language Python (see Section Requirements) for this. It is easiest to indeed have a look at the example models to see how this is (or better: can be) done.
We will explain all these things in much more detail below, and we will discuss also many other radiative transfer problem types. The above example is really just meant to give an impression of how RADMC-3D works.
Organization of model directories
The general philosophy of the RADMC-3D code package is the following. The core
of everything is the fortran code radmc3d
. This is the main code which does
the hard work for you: it makes the radiative transfer calculations, makes
images, makes spectra etc. Normally you compile this code just once-and-for-all
(see Chapter Installation of RADMC-3D), and then simply use the executable
for all models. There is an exception to this ‘once-and-for-all’
rule described in Section Making special-purpose modified versions of RADMC-3D (optional), but in the present
chapter we will not use this (see Chapter Modifying RADMC-3D: Internal setup and user-specified radiative processes for this
instead). So we will stick here to the philosophy of compiling this code once
and using it for all models.
So how to set up a model? The trick is to present radmc3d
with a set of
input files in which the model is described in all its details. The procedure to
follow is this:
The best thing to do (to avoid a mess) is to make a directory for each model: one model, one directory. Since
reads multiple input files, and also outputs a number of files, this is a good way to keep organized and we recommend it strongly. So if we wish to make a new model, we make a new directory, or copy an old directory to a new name (if we merely want to make small changes to a prior model).In this directory we generate the input files according to their required format (see Chapter Main input and output files of RADMC-3D). You can create these input files in any way you want. But since many of these input files will/must contain huge lists of numbers (for instance, giving the density at each location in your model), you will typically want to write some script or program in some language (be it either C, C++, Fortran, IDL, GDL, perl, python, you name it) that automatically creates these input files. We recommend using Python, because we provide examples and standard subroutines in the programming language Python; see below for more details. Section Running the example models describes how to use the example Python scripts to make these input files with Python.
When all the input files are created, and we make sure that we are inside the model directory, we call
with the desired command-line options (see Chapter Command-line options). This will do the work for us.Once this is done, we can analyze the results by reading the output files (see Chapter Main input and output files of RADMC-3D). To help you reading and analyzing these output files you can use a set of Python routines that we created for the user (see Chapter Python analysis tool set and Section Installing the simple Python analysis tools). But here again, you are free to use any other plotting software and/or data postprocessing packages.
Running the example models
Often the fastest and easiest way to learn a code is simply to analyze and run a
set of example models. They are listed in the examples
directory. Each model
occupies a separate directory. This is also the style we normally recommend:
each model should have its own directory. Of course there are also exceptions to
this rule, and the user is free to organize her/his data in any way he/she
pleases. But in all the examples and throughout this manual each model has its
own directory.
To run an example model, go into the directory of this model, and follow the
directions that are written in the README
file in each of these
directories. This is under the assumption that you have a full Python
distribution installed on your system, including Numpy and Matplotlib.
Let us do for instance run_simple_1/
cd examples/run_simple_1
Now we must create all the input files for this model. These input files are
all described in chapter Main input and output files of RADMC-3D, but let us here just
‘blindly’ follow the example. In this example most (all except one) of the
input files are created using a Python script called
To execute this script, this is what you do on the shell:
This Python script has now created a whole series
of input files, all ending with the extension .inp
. To see which
files are created, type the following in the shell:
ls -l *.inp
There is one file that this example does not create, and that is the file
. This is a file that contains the dust opacity in
tabulated form. This is a file that you as the user should provide to the
RADMC-3D code package. The file dustkappa_silicate.inp
is merely an example,
which is an amorphous spherical silicate grain with radius 0.1 micron. But see
Section INPUT (required for dust transfer): dustopac.inp and dustkappa_*.inp or dustkapscatmat_*.inp or dust_optnk_*.inp for more information about the opacities.
Now that the input files are created, we must run radmc3d
radmc3d mctherm
This tells RADMC-3D to do the thermal Monte Carlo simulation. This may take some time. When the model is ready, the prompt of the shell returns. To see what files have been created by this run of the code, type:
ls -l *.dat
You will find the dust_temperature.dat
containing the dust temperature
everywhere in the model. See again chapter Main input and output files of RADMC-3D for
details of these files. To create a spectral energy distribution (SED):
radmc3d sed incl 45.
This will create a file spectrum.out
. To analyze these data you can use the
Python routines delivered with the code (see Chapter
Python analysis tool set and Section Installing the simple Python analysis tools).
There is a file Makefile
in the directory. This is here only meant to make
it easy to clean the directory. Type make cleanmodel
to clean all the output
from the radmc3d code. Type make cleanall
to clean the directory back to
Let us now do for instance model run_simple_1_userdef/
cd examples/run_simple_1_userdef
This is the same model as above, but now the grid and the dust density are set
up inside radmc3d
, using the file userdef_module.f90
which is
present in this directory. See Chapter Modifying RADMC-3D: Internal setup and user-specified radiative processes for details
and follow the directions in the README
file. In short: first edit the
variable SRC
in the Makefile
to point to the src/
directory. Then
type make
. Then type python
on the shell command line
(which now only sets up the frequency grid, the star and the radmc3d.inp
file and some small stuff). Now you can run the model.
Please read the README file in each of the example model directories. Everything is explained there, including how to make the relevant plots.