RADMC-3D Version 2.0, an astrophysics radiative transfer tool
- Introduction
- Quickstarting with RADMC-3D
- Overview of the RADMC-3D package
- Installation of RADMC-3D
- Basic structure and functionality
- Dust continuum radiative transfer
- The thermal Monte Carlo simulation: computing the dust temperature
- Making SEDs, spectra, images for dust continuum
- OpenMP parallelized Monte Carlo
- Overview of input data for dust radiative transfer
- Special-purpose feature: Computing the local radiation field
- More about scattering of photons off dust grains
- Scattering of photons in the Thermal Monte Carlo run
- Scattering of photons in the Monochromatic Monte Carlo run
- Polarization, Stokes vectors and full phase-functions
- Definitions and conventions for Stokes vectors
- Our conventions compared to other literature
- Defining orientation for non-observed radiation
- Polarized scattering off dust particles: general formalism
- Polarized scattering off dust particles: randomly oriented particles
- Scattering and axially symmetric models
- More about photon packages in the Monte Carlo simulations
- Polarized emission and absorption by aligned grains
- Grain size distributions
- Line radiative transfer
- Quick start for adding line transfer to images and spectra
- Some definitions for line transfer
- Line transfer modes and how to activate the line transfer
- The various input files for line transfer
- INPUT: The line transfer entries in the radmc3d.inp file
- INPUT: The line.inp file
- INPUT: Molecular/atomic data: The molecule_XXX.inp file(s)
- INPUT: Molecular/atomic data: The linelist_XXX.inp file(s)
- INPUT: The number density of each molecular species
- INPUT: The gas temperature
- INPUT: The velocity field
- INPUT: The local microturbulent broadening (optional)
- INPUT for LTE line transfer: The partition function (optional)
- INPUT: The number density of collision partners (for non-LTE transfer)
- Making images and spectra with line transfer
- Non-LTE Transfer: The Large Velocity Gradient (LVG) + Escape Probability (EscProb) method
- Non-LTE Transfer: The optically thin line assumption method
- Non-LTE Transfer: Full non-local modes (FUTURE)
- Non-LTE Transfer: Inspecting the level populations
- Non-LTE Transfer: Reading the level populations from file
- What can go wrong with line transfer?
- Preventing doppler jumps: The ‘doppler catching method’
- Background information: Calculation and storage of level populations
- In case it is necessary: On-the-fly calculation of populations
- For experts: Selecting a subset of lines and levels ‘manually’
- Making images and spectra
- Basics of image making with RADMC-3D
- Making multi-wavelength images
- Making spectra
- Specifying custom-made sets of wavelength points for the camera
- Heads-up: In reality wavelength are actually wavelength bands
- The issue of flux conservation: recursive sub-pixeling
- Stars in the images and spectra
- Second order ray-tracing (Important information!)
- Circular images
- Visualizing the \(\tau=1\) surface
- Maps of optical depth \(\tau\)
- For public outreach work: local observers inside the model
- Multiple vantage points: the ‘Movie’ mode
- More information about the gridding
- More information about the treatment of stars
- Modifying RADMC-3D: Internal setup and user-specified radiative processes
- Setting up a model inside of RADMC-3D
- The pre-defined subroutines of the userdef_module.f90
- Some caveats and advantages of internal model setup
- Using the userdef module to compute integrals of \(J_\nu\)
- Some tips and tricks for programming user-defined subroutines
- Creating your own emission and absorption processes
- Python analysis tool set
- Analysis tools inside of radmc3d
- Visualization with VTK tools (e.g. Paraview or VisIt)
- Tips, tricks and problem hunting
- Main input and output files of RADMC-3D
- INPUT: radmc3d.inp
- INPUT (required): amr_grid.inp
- INPUT (required for dust transfer): dust_density.inp
- INPUT/OUTPUT: dust_temperature.dat
- INPUT (mostly required): stars.inp
- INPUT (optional): stellarsrc_templates.inp
- INPUT (optional): stellarsrc_density.inp
- INPUT (optional): external_source.inp
- INPUT (optional): heatsource.inp
- INPUT (required): wavelength_micron.inp
- INPUT (optional): camera_wavelength_micron.inp
- INPUT (required for dust transfer): dustopac.inp and dustkappa_*.inp or dustkapscatmat_*.inp or dust_optnk_*.inp
- OUTPUT: spectrum.out
- OUTPUT: image.out or image_****.out
- INPUT: (minor input files)
- For developers: some details on the internal workings
- Binary I/O files
- Command-line options
- Which options are mutually incompatible?
- Acquiring opacities from the WWW
- Version tracker: Development history