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Dolomites Astronomical Observatory

I am in charge of this little observatory, with a main telescope of 0.4m in diameter devoted to the study of GRBs, extra-solar planets and outreach.


  • Model: Officina Stellare Pro RC 400 ST
  • Optical configuration: Ritchey-Chrtien
  • Primary aperture: 408mm
  • Primary focal ratio: f/3
  • Final focal ratio: f/8
  • Focal length: 3200mm
  • Primary mirror: LK-5 Astrosib with interferometric test report
  • Tube: carbon tubes truss design
  • Focuser: Feather-Touch 3.5, robotized
  • Mounting: Paramount ME, pointing accuracy <1arcmin


  • Front-illuminated sensor Kodak KAF-1001E
  • Pixel: 1024x1024, 25,4x25,4mm (2.45cm of side)
  • Pixel size: 24x24micron
  • Field of view: 26'.4 x 26'.4
  • Sampling: 1.55 arcsec
  • Quantum efficiency peak: 65%
  • Download speed up to 12Mpixel/s
  • 3 stages thermoelectric cooling: DT=-65 degrees
  • Filter wheel FLI with 7 positions
  • Filters: u', g', r', i', z' and narrow band H-alpha


  • Platform with rolling-roof for telescopes of guest observers
  • 9 fully equipped meeting rooms from 20 to 350 seats
  • 132 rooms for up 350 guests
  • Coffee breaks and banquets
  • Child caring from 9:00am to 10:00pm)
  • Three restourants and bar
  • Wellness center


  • Outreach
  • Gamma Ray Bursts afterglow follow-ups
  • Extrasolar planet transits

The main instrument

Interacting system M51 observed at DAO (gri composite)