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Here are some information about myself.


  • Free climbing
  • Hiking
  • Skiing
  • Free dive (basic)

Actual research interests

Fellowships and contracts

  • 6th April 2021: Akademishen Oberrat (Heidelberg University)
  • 1st July 2014 : Akademisher Rat, staff member (Heidelberg University)
  • 1st October 2006: 8 years TRR33 Post-Doc (Institut für Theoretische Astrophysik, Heidelberg University)
  • 1st April 2006: 3 months Post-Doc (Max Planck Institut für Astrophysik)
  • 1st February 2005: 3 months EARA fellowship (Max Planck Institut für Astrophysik)
  • 1st November 2004: 12 months research contract (Bologna University)
  • 1st November 2003: 6 months EARA fellowship (Max Planck Institut für Astrophysik)
  • 5th November 2002: PhD position in Astronomy (Padova University , co-supervision with Heidelberg University)
  • 1st November 2002: 24 months COFIN 2001 research contract (Padova University)

Academic Record

  • 26th October 2023: Adjoint Professor, Heidelberg University
  • 30th January 2019 : Venia Legendi, Privatdozent, Heidelberg Universtity
  • 3rd April 2006: PhD in Astronomy, co-supervision between Podova and Heidelberg Universities
  • 15th October 2002: Degree in Astronomy at the Padova University with 110/110 magna cum laude
  • September 2000 -- June 2001: promoter of the "Kant-0g Experiment" (aggregation of ferromagnetic bodies in presence of static magnetic fields in micro-gravity conditions, 4th ESA Student Parabolic Flight Campaign)
  • 1997: Diploma di maturita' scientifica at Istituti Filippin (Paderno del Grappa, TV) - Scientific high school