Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg

Numerische Strömungsmechanik

Wintersemester, 2011/2012

V. Springel and C.P. Dullemond


This lecture will partly follow the topics of previous lectures in this series (see 2009 version). But we will also likely make changes! Once the topics are set, we will list them here.


The lecture takes place Mondays 14:15-16:00 in the ARI Seminar room. The exercises take place Wednesdays 16:15-18:00 also in the ARI seminar room. Please bring your own laptops! The lecture + exercises are worth 4 Credit Points. There will be a short oral examination at the end, but active and succesful participation in the exercises are also a prerequisite for obtaining the credit points.

As of now there is a Moodle (password = advect) for this course. Those of you who wish to acquire credit points for this lecture and/or participate in the exercises: Please register to the Moodle.

On-line chapters:


The lecture notes are for significant parts inspired by the following books:
  • Randall J. LeVeque, "Finite Volume Methods for Hyperbolic Problems"
  • Bodenheimer, Laughlin, Rozyczka and Yorke, "Numerical Methods in Astrophysics: An Introduction"
  • Toro, E.F. "Riemann Solvers and Numerical Methods for Fluid Dynamics" (Springer Verlag)
  • Collela and Puckett, "Modern Numerical Methods for Fluid Flow"
  • H. W. Liepmann and A. Roshko, "Elements of Gas Dynamics"
  • Ferziger, J. H. and Peric, M, "Computational Methods for Fluid Dynamics"
  • Felippa, Carlos A., "Introduction to Finite Element Methods",

Verantwortlich: Cornelis Petrus Dullemond, letzte Änderung am 19.05.2014 20:43 CEST
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